One Nice Holy Place
Looking around the engine room onboard Cochise. Access is fantastic to all major systems and equipment.
Cochise's Upper Helm
The flybridge of Cochise is a work in progress. Steve Dashew plans to change its configuration after voyaging from New Zealand to Ft Lauderdale. Everything is going to move around or be gone. Lessons learned after many sea miles.
Bill and The Dashews
Spent a delightful day with Steve and Linda Dashew on FPB 78-1 in Ft Lauderdale.

International Workboat Show
Getting the latest updates from Bob T of Bell Power Systems, NE distributor of John Deere marine engines.
Pacific sunset
On the way to French Polynesia.
A whale mid-Pacific
While we saw nothing manmade in our 3,400-mile crossing, the sea was alive around us 24/7. What a wonderful world.

It’s been a long time coming but we now see tangible progress emerging to reduce our dependence on fossil fuel. If the U.S. Navy can prove that it works, isn’t it about time the concept of the modern cruising boat includes hybrid forms of propulsion?