Blog — FollowingSeas

Will Cruising Powerboats Ever Catch Up With the Rest of the World?

Will Cruising Powerboats Ever Catch Up With the Rest of the World?

It’s been a long time coming but we now see tangible progress emerging to reduce our dependence on fossil fuel. If the U.S. Navy can prove that it works, isn’t it about time the concept of the modern cruising boat includes hybrid forms of propulsion?

Monday Minute - End of Year Changes to Apps

Monday Minute - End of Year Changes to Apps

The end of the year is time to renew subscriptions and replace older apps with new ones. New technology and improved functionality promise a safer, faster, and easier user experience. In this case it is from Navionics, a Garmin Company. And General Motors.

The Rogue Wave

The Rogue Wave

The fear and mystery about sea monsters and rogue waves goes back to the early seafarers. With much improved technology, computers, and satellites, we know much more about this phenomemun today…and they are much more common than previously believed.

Monday Minute - Another Sailor is Out

Monday Minute - Another Sailor is Out

Susie Goodall had a really close call, but she is safe after losing her Rustler 36 in the Southern Ocean. The 29-year-old was knocked unconscious when her boat pitchpoled end over end in rough seas and high winds.

She was eventually picked up by a cargo ship on its way to Argentina.

Monday Minute - Differential GPS Bids Us Adieu

Monday Minute - Differential GPS Bids Us Adieu

If you are an “experienced” cruiser (aka old person) you probably remember the days of Selective Availability (SA) and intentionally reduced GPS accuracy. The military only let us know our location within 100 meters. This continued for years, despite ongoing pleas from the FAA and USCG to provide everyone with the accuracy available from the GPS satellite system.

It took a jetliner being shot down to turn off this reduced-accuracy SA.

Today we could not live without accurate GPS information. At home, on the road, and on the water.

The Cost of Cruising - Part 4 - Cutting Expenses

The Cost of Cruising - Part 4 - Cutting Expenses

Let’s take a look at some ways to cut expenses, and conversely, how to make money while cruising. They both contribute to allow you to keep enjoying the lifestyle.

Not many couples can get by making video vlogs on YouTube of their adventures, and expect others to pay for their experience through donations and Patreon.

Monday Minute - The Mindset of Being on the Ocean

Monday Minute - The Mindset of Being on the Ocean

From an article I recently wrote for a club magazine, I wanted to share the philosophy of being on the ocean by the great sailor of the post-war period. He feats aboard his Finisterre are legendary.

Carleton Mitchell also introduced the world to the joys of the trawler lifestyle, starting with a Grand Banks 42 in the 1960s.

Monday Minute - Last Sail of 2018

Monday Minute - Last Sail of 2018

I went along on what will likely be the last sail of the year. Boats that have not gone south are being winterized and properly stored. This past Saturday we brought a Hallberg-Rassy to its winter yard at Herrington Harbour North in Deale, MD.

And today I help bring a Selene 40 trawler over to Jabin Yacht Yard in Annapolis for hauling and shrink wrap. It’s that time of year.

The Cost of Cruising - Part 2 - Known Costs

The Cost of Cruising - Part 2 - Known Costs

In Part 2, we identify some of the fees, rates, and fixed expenses of cruising. Knowing these up front really helps when creating a budget for extended cruising. The value of the cruising experience is worth every penny, of course, but it’s important to know ahead of time what you’ll need to keep going.

The Cost of Cruising - Part 1 - Ongoing Maintenance

The Cost of Cruising - Part 1 - Ongoing Maintenance

We start a new series that explores the cost of cruising. No matter what boat you own, there are certain expenses you will incur on an annual basis for maintenance. These are important to keep the boat cruise worthy.

But how much should one plan to spend?

Monday Minute - Following Seas, Movie of Awahnee

Monday Minute - Following Seas, Movie of Awahnee

A movie worth watching, about a remarkable couple who went above and beyond the dreams of normal sailors. Whether it was to circumnavigate Antarctica, or follow in the footsteps of Captain Cook, this family lived a life at sea.

New Technologies on the Horizon

New Technologies on the Horizon

A look at a few new innovations coming into the marine market. Who would expect self-docking yachts in the near future?

Monday Minute - Drones Go Cruising

Monday Minute - Drones Go Cruising

The consumer drone is becoming a useful tool that can serve more functions beyond taking fun boat selfies. Raymarine opens a new era in marine electronics.

A Sticky Subject or Can We Admit Our World Has Changed?

A Sticky Subject or Can We Admit Our World Has Changed?

Should we examine the value of sailing in horrific storms when the realities of climate change are making it worse in near survival conditions? Are we having fun yet?

Monday Minute - What's It All Cost?

Monday Minute - What's It All Cost?

So how much does it really cost to own a yacht? A recent article in Business Insider suggests the lavish yacht lifestyle is not for the faint of heart.

But is that really true for those who own a cruising boat? Maybe that’s something to explore in depth.

Monday Minute - More Reason to Stop in Southport, NC!

Monday Minute - More Reason to Stop in Southport, NC!

Announcing the start of the highly anticipated Daily Navigation and Weather Briefs at the Dock, conducted each day at Southport Marina, in Southport, North Carolina. This is the fifth year of this well-received briefing about current and forecasted weather, ICW issues and concerns, from experienced professionals specifically for transient cruisers headed south this fall.

ICW - Under Way At Last!

ICW - Under Way At Last!

Under way at last, heading down the Intracoastal Waterway to warm weather for the winter. It is the dream of many, and lots of cruisers and liveaboards make it an annual event.

Some continue on to the Bahamas and the islands.