Blog — FollowingSeas

New Technologies on the Horizon

New Technologies on the Horizon

A look at a few new innovations coming into the marine market. Who would expect self-docking yachts in the near future?

Monday Minute - Drones Go Cruising

Monday Minute - Drones Go Cruising

The consumer drone is becoming a useful tool that can serve more functions beyond taking fun boat selfies. Raymarine opens a new era in marine electronics.

A Sticky Subject or Can We Admit Our World Has Changed?

A Sticky Subject or Can We Admit Our World Has Changed?

Should we examine the value of sailing in horrific storms when the realities of climate change are making it worse in near survival conditions? Are we having fun yet?

Monday Minute - What's It All Cost?

Monday Minute - What's It All Cost?

So how much does it really cost to own a yacht? A recent article in Business Insider suggests the lavish yacht lifestyle is not for the faint of heart.

But is that really true for those who own a cruising boat? Maybe that’s something to explore in depth.

Monday Minute - More Reason to Stop in Southport, NC!

Monday Minute - More Reason to Stop in Southport, NC!

Announcing the start of the highly anticipated Daily Navigation and Weather Briefs at the Dock, conducted each day at Southport Marina, in Southport, North Carolina. This is the fifth year of this well-received briefing about current and forecasted weather, ICW issues and concerns, from experienced professionals specifically for transient cruisers headed south this fall.

ICW - Under Way At Last!

ICW - Under Way At Last!

Under way at last, heading down the Intracoastal Waterway to warm weather for the winter. It is the dream of many, and lots of cruisers and liveaboards make it an annual event.

Some continue on to the Bahamas and the islands.

Monday Minute - The BVIs are Back!

Monday Minute - The BVIs are Back!

The BVI Tourist Board hosted a Friends of the BVI Brunch on Saturday, to lure back the vibrant charter and tourism business the islands lost after the storms of September, 2017. Whether you charter a catamaran or stay at a lovely resort, they want you to come visit the islands.

Their message is clear. Come on back! We are open and welcome you to our lovely BVIs.

ICW - Have A Plan To Not Have A Rigid Plan

ICW - Have A Plan To Not Have A Rigid Plan

Let’s discuss various ways to keep the ICW trip south less tedious, and maybe inject a little fun along the way. But first let’s make sure the waterway is clear!

Monday Minute - Catastrophic Engine Failure and Insurance

Monday Minute - Catastrophic Engine Failure and Insurance

When it comes to an engine failure, where is the line with respect to insurance coverage? If an engine suffers from more than a simple breakdown, and needs an expensive rebuild or replacement, who pays for this?

A marine insurer explains.