A look at a few new innovations coming into the marine market. Who would expect self-docking yachts in the near future?
Monday Minute - Drones Go Cruising
A Sticky Subject or Can We Admit Our World Has Changed?
Monday Minute - What's It All Cost?
Annapolis Boat Shows 2018
Monday Minute - More Reason to Stop in Southport, NC!
Announcing the start of the highly anticipated Daily Navigation and Weather Briefs at the Dock, conducted each day at Southport Marina, in Southport, North Carolina. This is the fifth year of this well-received briefing about current and forecasted weather, ICW issues and concerns, from experienced professionals specifically for transient cruisers headed south this fall.
ICW - Under Way At Last!
Monday Minute - The BVIs are Back!
The BVI Tourist Board hosted a Friends of the BVI Brunch on Saturday, to lure back the vibrant charter and tourism business the islands lost after the storms of September, 2017. Whether you charter a catamaran or stay at a lovely resort, they want you to come visit the islands.
Their message is clear. Come on back! We are open and welcome you to our lovely BVIs.
It’s been a long time coming but we now see tangible progress emerging to reduce our dependence on fossil fuel. If the U.S. Navy can prove that it works, isn’t it about time the concept of the modern cruising boat includes hybrid forms of propulsion?