Kadey Krogen

Monday Minute - Look Out The Window!

Monday Minute - Look Out The Window!

Technology has made remarkable progress in the past decade, making navigation easier, safer, and more reliable. But we're not at the point of autonomous boating, so it is still the operator's responsibility to maintain situational awareness.

The Nature of Boat... Owners

Not every boat owner has the same approach to cruising. Some cruisers pass through an island chain, while others have a favorite harbor where they remain to engage the community. Each are valid reasons to be on the water. What kind of type of boat owner are you?

A Cruising Power Washer?

A Cruising Power Washer?

The delivery of a new Krogen 58 from Annapolis to Ft Lauderdale gives me an idea of how to wash off the inevitable salty slime that comes from rough weather offshore.