Every so often something upsets the apple cart and created a new market for a product or service. It is called Disruptive Innovation. The cruising community is ripe for something new and different, something that challenges the status quo of big, expensive cruising boats that don't fit a more enlightened approach to sustainable cruising.
Opinion: I Suppose It Begins At The Top
The Mindset of Non Delivery
The joys of cruising diminish when the trip becomes a monotonous routine, every day like the one before, always moving, pushing ahead to the final destination. It is a good thing to remember why you are out there, and find a way to slow down the daily grind, and enjoy the wonders that surround you each day.
Are Trawlers the Safest Platform for Cruising?
Are trawlers the safest choice for cruising? They can certainly be the most comfortable, but what about overall safety? It is an interesting question, and I hope we can begin a conversation about safety in today's cruising community. Cruising is all about fun and adventure, but it also should be as safe as we can make it.
Dave Pike's Most Excellent Adventure Continues
The Boat Should Fit Your Plan
It is much more fun to live with a boat that fits your actual cruising plans, not some fantasy dream machine that is way more than you need or can afford. Finding a good fit makes for a memorable adventure rather than a trip down bummer lane. The number of big trawlers for sale for "health reasons" is proof that one should focus on the smallest boat that is big enough.
The Nature of Boat... Owners
Best Watch System Ever
Recovering Warriors Go Sailing
The problems facing returning veterans with injuries is a bigger issue than most realize. The Naval Academy and the National Sailing Hall of Fame teamed up with other organizations to develop a program to get these veterans on the water sailing. They hope to offer a healthy alternative to move these recovering warriors away from the downward spiral that occurs when there are few options without the support they grew to rely on in uniform.
It’s been a long time coming but we now see tangible progress emerging to reduce our dependence on fossil fuel. If the U.S. Navy can prove that it works, isn’t it about time the concept of the modern cruising boat includes hybrid forms of propulsion?