Here is my version of a traditional chain hook with locking gate, custom made of 3/8-inch stainless steel plate. It is super strong and will never separate from the anchor chain, so I can sleep soundly, knowing the snubber/bridle will do its job even if we are in shallow water.
Monday Minute - Refresh Your Passing Skills
Stormy Petrel
Create a Speed/Fuel Burn Curve for Your Boat
Rather than guess what speed you should run your boat, it is important to develop real-world numbers of the speed and burn consumption your boat reaches at various engine speeds in open water. Depending on how your boat is equipped and loaded, and the propeller(s) you have, it is a straightforward process to develop a speed/fuel burn performance curve that will identify the sweet spot for running your boat at cruising speed.
Along the way of determining this ideal speed envelope, you will also get an sixth sense of when the hull and engine is in harmony as she glides through the water with maximum efficiency and reasonable fuel burn. This is a satisfying project every boat owner should create for his or her boat.
What's a Trawler - Continuing the Discussion
Making a Good Boat Better - Part 3 - Both Power & Sail
Ditch the Tint - An Update
Things I Dislike on Boats
What's in a Name?
Revisiting the Question about Older & Bigger vs Smaller & Newer
Did I Miss Anyone?
I started a list of trawler builders years ago. Just ran across it again and decided to publish it. Not every builder of powerboats is included, even if they were used by their owners as part of the trawler lifestyle, including a friend with a Post sport fishing boat. He chugs along with the rest of us.
It’s been a long time coming but we now see tangible progress emerging to reduce our dependence on fossil fuel. If the U.S. Navy can prove that it works, isn’t it about time the concept of the modern cruising boat includes hybrid forms of propulsion?